
Conflict of English educations in Japan

by Shigehiro HASEGAWA

*America centered English education vs Japan centered English education
Am.: direct method, communicative approach, immersion program
English conversation school, ministry of education
Jp.: school grammar, traditional translation method, entrance exam English
*Three different types of countries where English is not their native tongue
1 European countries except Britain
where English is not their native tongue but the same language family
2 Almost all Asian and African countries
where they were colonized by English
3 Japan where people imported Western culture by translating English
* After the war, GHQ tried to conquer Japan culturally and mentally.
Current ideas about English and English education in Japan is the succession
of the ideas of English education forced by GHQ just after the war
* America centered English education is the trend in contemporary Japan
because of the economic power of America
* How should Japanese people study English?
What's the most effective way of learning English for Japanese people?
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