
Report for February's English club

Hi there!!
This month's English club was brilliant!!
Thank you so much for all who joined us!

The first guest was Mr.Jorge Aigla.
He is an amazing person who is a medical doctor, a Karateist, and a poet.
The second guest was Ms.Brigitte Ando.
She is currently living in Nara with her Japanese husband and her 2 children. Also, she joined Soiree DE Nara last month.

The first speaker was Mr.Jorge Aigla.
Though I cannot tell weather it is becaouse he is a poet or not, he was so good at telling peole stories. From the very biginning, he attracted people with an interesting story. He told us that when he came Japan 27 years ago, he entered a shop. And 27 years later, he came to visit Japan again and found the store is still there. This is not so special thing in Japan. But as he said, for who living in America, where most shops close only in a few years, it was so interesting. 

It seems he has been interested in Japanese culture for a while. Then, why is that? Why he started to take an interest in Japan?
Answer is "Karate-Do". The region he was living was not a safe place. So, to take care of himself, he started Karate-Do. Getting to know Karate-Do, he gradually shifted his interest to Do itself. And eventually, he took an interest in Japanese culture.
He also likes Japanese literatures such as Nastume Souseki or Mastuo Bashou

The next speaker was Ms.Brigitte Ando. She told us humorously about the differences between Japanese culture and French culture. It was so enteraining

This part was the best part for me. However, there were so many other parts I loved. For example, in France, people need to chose either black or white. But, in Japan, they can also chose black and white.

Anyway, this month's English club was so fun thanks to the humorous and friendly guests. I cannot wait to see next oneThe next English club is on...

Thursday, March 12th

I'll tell you more later.

Mr.Jorge Aigla was born on 1954 in Mexico city. He got MD(Medical Doctor) at University of California. Since then, working as a medical examiner, teaching anatomy and physiology at City College and St. Mary's University, he practiced Karate-Do and got 8th degree black belt. He is now a member of ATMA (American Teachers Association of the Martial Arts). As a poet, he published "First Lie/Primera Mentira", "Subliminary", "The Cycle of Learning/EI Ciclo de Aprendizaje" etc.
Ms.Brigitte Ando is from Lyon in France. She learned English at University of Lyon. She is now working for institutions such as Japan-France Association. Since last year, she lives in Nara with her husband and her 2 children. Also, she joined Soiree DE Nara last month.
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