
Report for May's EU English Club

Hi there!
We had an English club this month.
Thank you so much for all who joined us.

This month's guest was Mr. Antoine Michel who graduated École Polytechnique, one of Grandes Écoles.
I had never heard of "Grandes Écoles", but accourding to him, it is a special school for growing elites, and École Polytechnique is the oldest.
Alright. Let's talk about an interesting episode.
Even now, I know why is it, I wonder "Why soething like this happens in the school for growing elites of Science and Technology?"
The school was built by Napoleon for making an officer of technology and therefore, it is still ran by Ministry of Defence. And therefore,
their uniform is something like this. Guessing from this uniform and military exercise, the scool's old traditions are still there without vanishing.
And I felt it so interesting♪

After the presentation was, as usual, introducing and Q&A time.
Since his speciality was clean energy, there were so many questions related to the subject. I think these days, many Japanese people are really interested in this subject because of the accident. There are a lot of problems in this region and we cannot solve it easily however, I believe by letting everyone know these problem and made them think about it, solution can be found.

Anyway, next English club is...
I'll tell you more about it later.
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