
August's English club is on 25th in #4 of the 5th floor

Hi there!
How are you guys doing?
We have a English club this month.

This month, we'll welcome Ms Anita Rgucka-Kwasnik and Mr Jude Fleming from Ireland.

Ms Anita Rgucka-Kwasnik is an IT Consultant in Poland. One of her hobby is to travel and to scout. She visited a lot of country without travel agency. According to her, she had already visited all continents!! She likes talking to local people. And this time, she'll come to Japan to attend International Scout Jamboree 2015 and planing to stay about 2-3 weeks. 

Mr Jude Fleming is currently working as a painter decorator and general builder. He also likes travelling and scouting. This time, he'll come to Japan with her not only for scouting but also for travelling.

Do you like to meet them? Come and join us!!

・Date & Time: Tuesday, August 25th, 18:45-20:45
・Charge: Member 1000 yen, Non-member 1500 yen (No appointments necessary), Europeans & Native English speakers will be invited (free of charge)
・Place: #4 on 5th Floor of Nara Seibu Kominkan: Soon from the south exit of Kintestu Gakuenmae St. (Here!!)
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