
Report For August's English Club

Hi there!!
We had a great time in this month's English club.
Thank you so much for all who joined and supported us.

OK. This month, we welcomed Ms Anita Rgucka-Kwasnik and Mr Jude Fleming from Ireland.

As usual, I'm going to tell you some funny and interesting momments.
First, take a look at this.
Seriously!? You two had been planning to marry on Mt. Fuji?
I thought it really unique. Though weather wasn't perfect, it must be a beautiful memory.

Later, Ms Anita told us about Ireland.
Topic of Gaelic was interesting.
Gaelic is a official language in Ireland.
Though English is used in most of the places, Irish government is giving high priority to protect Gaelic.
But why is that language still there?
According to them, it is because when English came to colonize Ireland from its east part, thanks to the harsh envirnment of its west part, people came to the west part turned back to the east part. It means, if the west part of Ireland were idal place to live, they may have chosen to colonize there and Gaelic had been dissappeared in today.

Besides, all pictures on the white board were written by themselves.
Seeing them talking, I was wondering that if I were in their place, can I explain my country this much.
Sadly, for now, my answer is 'no'. I should try harder.

Anyway, next English club is on...
I'll tell you later.
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